The Price of Health

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Most people I know would call me a food snob. I do not consider this an insult. It’s not that I have to eat gourmet all the time- believe me, I love a pb+j as much as any one- it’s more that I’m a snob about WHERE that pb+j came from….

So many of my friends always question how I can afford to shop organic. The answer is easy- I make it a priority. When I think about all the diseases that are ravaging our world today, I have no qualms about spending a little extra to shop at Whole Foods. Just imagining all the money I would spend down the road on doctors and hospital visits is enough to justify a few dollars more. Not only that, but when you eat whole, clean foods, you are more satisfied so you don’t have to buy as much; you are getting a boat load more nutrients, so pricey supplements and vitamins really aren’t necessary; and you feel great and it shows in your body and attitude. So, yes, initially the price of health might seem a little higher, but in the long run, you are really saving (and I don’t just mean cash)!

A great way to eat local, organic without shelling out at an expensive grocer is to grow it yourself! All you need is a window sill…really! I found this fantastic book called “Don’t Throw It, Grow It” in Montana last summer, and it has changed my world. It shows you exactly how to plant seeds from foods to grow your own produce and anyone can follow the instructions. Happy planting!

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  • julia

    Amen! This is why I ended up creating Barre. Food snobs unite to slowly change the eating habits and carbon footprint of the world!

  • candice

    I just put this book in my amazon queue. I am not a big fan of Whole Foods and their labor practices–I am a labor snob 😉 and think workers should be a bigger factor in the cost of food production and distribution–but I am super excited about the potential of subverting the whole system by starting a garden.

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