Can We Eat To Starve Cancer?

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I was incredibly surprised and pleased to find that Netflix had recently added TED talks. If you are unfamiliar with TED, it is an organization that scours the world searching for the most cutting-edge, untraditional researchers, physicians, explorers, etc. to come and speak at forums and give brief 20-minute talks about what they are discovering in the world of science.

Naturally, being the advocate for prevention that I am, I was immediately intrigued by the series Defying Disease, particularly the talk about cancer.

In this concise 19-minute preview, William Li‘s research and findings, based on preventing and treating cancer using the concept of  angiogenesis, blew me away. Angiogenesis is the process by which our bodies create new blood vessels; typically, this occurs in healing a wound. However, angiogenesis is also the measure by which a dormant tumor becomes malignant and these growing blood vessels keep ‘feeding’ the tumor. Li purposed to stop this process by using anti-angiogenesis, or decreasing blood vessels to the area of the tumor and cutting of the blood supply. His theory worked with astounding results!

The hook-line-and-sinker, there are FOODS that are anti-angiogenic! For example, strawberries are an anti-angiogenic food, making for a good excuse to pick a ton this summer!

The value in Li’s research is monumental; we now know how to prevent, and in some cases treat, all different types of cancer. AND YOU CAN DO IT SIMPLY BY CHANGING YOUR DIET! You can literally eat to starve cancer.

Should we now say a strawberry a day keeps the doctor away?

For a full list of anti-angiogenic foods, click here

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  • candice

    Thanks for this Keenan. I read an article once about the foods served to cancer patients in the hospital and was appalled to learn no thought was given to it being full of sugar and bad chemicals. I hope doctors and hospitals read this research and adapt how they are treating, advising, and feeding patients in their care. It can be so confusing when the people in power do not advocate for the simple preventative life choices!

  • stephanie

    This is great. I’ve heard so much about TED Talks lately and, after reading your article, I felt compelled to further investigate the organization’s website. What a treasure trove of information! I’m so glad you turned me onto this!

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